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Health & Fitness

Being in the fitness industry was not my original plan in life. After my father died in 2011, my mum wanted me to get out of the house and do something. We decided to place me in exercise, and my local gym was great and very understanding. I did a ladies only circuit class three times per week where it became my coping strategy. I ended up falling in love with fitness and sports.

 I was nearing the end of six forms with uncertainty on what I wanted to do with my life. As I enjoyed sports, I decided to have a career out of becoming a personal trainer. I started studying part-time for a level two qualification and later went on to do my personal training.

Over the years, I became qualified in 

  • circuits
  • walk leading
  • studio cycle
  • working with children
  • supple strength
  • combat
  • gymnastics level 1 & 2
  • floor and vault judge
  • nutrition

Within my courses, I needed to do work experience. I chose a ladies-only gym in my hometown and my local gymnastics centre. Both of these places are where I worked after my week placement. I do believe in continued professional development and studying different areas of sport.

As with any workplace, time does end where you need to move on. I am back working weekends while studying for my degree.

 In my new work environment, my confidence has grown after a few months and I am back to teaching which I love. It does show you what a supportive team and a positive workplace can do to your mental health and happiness.